• 학사 : 전북대학교, 수의과대학, 수의학과
• 석사 : 전북대학교, 수의과대학, 수의학과, 수의독성학
• 박사 : 전북대학교, 수의과대학, 수의학과, 수의독성학
• 1993-현재 전북대학교 수의과대학 교수
• 1999-2001 전북대학교 수의과대학 학과장
• 2002-2004 전북대학교 생체안정성연구소 연구소장
• 2008-2012 전북대학교 인수공통전염병연구소 부소장
• Korean Red Ginseng and its primary ginsenosides inhibit enthanol-induce oxidative injury by suppression of the MAPK pathway in TIB-73 cells, H.M. Park, S.J. Kim, A.R. Mun, H.K. Go, G.B. Kim, S.J. Kim, S.I. Jang, S.J. Lee, J.S. Kim and H.S. Kang, ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY, 141, 10711076 (2012).
• Reactive oxygen species mediated ginsenoside Rg3- and Rh2-induced apoptosis in hepatoma cells through mitochondrial signaling pathways, H.M. Park, S.J. Kim, J.S. Kim and H.S. Kang, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 50, 27362741 (2012).
• Taurine prevents hypertension and increases exercise capacity in Rats with Fructose-induced hypertension, H.M. Park, H.K. Go, S.J. Kim, G.B. Kim, C.U. Hong, Y.Y. Lee, S.J. Kim, J.S. Kim and H.S. Kang, Hypertension, 24, 574581 (2011).
• Effect of antioxidant in an acute lung injury animal model, H.S. Kang, H.M. Park, H.K. Go, S.J. Kim, S.J. Kim, G.B. Kim and J.S. Kim, Chemical Engineering, 10, 16 (2011).
• Myocardial calcification and hypertension following chronic renal faliuer and ameliorative effects of Furosemide and Captopril, S.J. Kim, S. J. Kim, Y.Y. Lee, J.S. Kim and H.Y. Kang, Cardiology, 116, 194205 (2010).
• Imipramine-induced cardiac depression is responsible for the increase in intracellular magnesium and the activation of ERK1/2 in rats, M.Y. Lee, S.J. Kim, J.S. Kim and H.S. Kang, Cardiovascluar Pharmarcology, 15, 303310 (2010).
• Nitrite-induced Methemoglobinemia Affects blood ionized and total magnesium level by hydrolysis of plasma adenosine triphosphate in rat, S.J. Kim, G.B. Kim, C.U. Hong, Y.Y. Lee, S.J. Kim, J.S. Kim and H.S. Kang, Basic&Clinical Pharmacology&Toxicology, 105, 294300 (2009).
• 수의약리 독성학 교수협의회, 수의약리학. 2012. 신일북스. 한국.
• 신 수의독성학. 2011. 신일북스. 한국.