전유별 사진


• 학사 : 2003. 3. - 2009. 2. 충북대학교 수의과대학 수의학과

• 석사 : 2009. 3. - 2011. 2. 충북대학교 수의과대학 수의학과

• 박사 : 2011. 3. - 2014. 2. 충북대학교 수의과대학 수의학과


• 2009. 2. 수의사면허증 (농림부)

• 2014. 3. - 2016. 7. 수암 생명공학 연구원 전문연구요원 및 연구원

• 2016. 9. - 2017. 8. 미국 존스홉킨스 의대 세포공학연구소 박사 후 연구원

• 2017. 9. – 현재 전북대학교 수의과대학 수의산과학 교수


• Y Jeon, SH Jeong, D Biswas, EM Jung, EB Jeung, E Lee and SH Hyun. 2011. Cleavage pattern and survivin e-x-p-r-e-s-s-i-o-n in porcine embryos by somatic cell nuclear transfer. Theriogenology. 76 (7): 1187-1196.

• Y Jeon, SS Kwak, SA Cheong, YH Seong and SH Hyun. 2013. Effect of trans-ε-viniferin on in vitro porcine oocyte maturation and subsequent development competence in preimplantation embryos. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 75 (10): 1277-1286.

• Y Jeon, JD Yoon, L Cai, SU Hwang, E Kim, Z Zheng, E Lee, DY Kim and SH Hyun. 2014. Supplementation of zinc on oocyte in vitro maturation improves preimplatation embryonic development in pigs. Theriogenology. 82 (6): 866-874.

• Y Jeon, JD Yoon, L Cai, SU Hwang, E Kim, E Lee, EB Jeung and SH Hyun. 2015. Effect of zinc on in vitro development of porcine embryos. Theriogenology 84 (4): 531-537.

• Y Jeon, JD Yoon, L Cai, SU Hwang, E Kim, Z Zheng, EB Jeung, E Lee and SH Hyun. 2015. Zinc deficiency during in vitro maturation of porcine oocytes causes meiotic block and developmental failure. Molecular Medicine Reports, 12 (4): 5973-5982.

• *YX Jin, *Y Jeon, SH Lee, MS Kwon, T Kim, XS Cui, SH Hyun, NH Kim. 2014. Production of pigs expressing a transgene under the control of a tetracycline-inducible system. PLOS ONE. 2014. 9 (1): e8614

• *Y Jeon, *YH Nam, SA Cheong, SS Kwak, E Lee and SH Hyun 2016. Absence of nucleolus formation in raccoon dog–porcine interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos results in embryonic developmental failure. Journal of Reproduction and Development 62 (4): 345-350

• Y Jeon, JD Yoon, L Cai, SU Hwang, E Kim, E. Lee, EB Jeung, SH Hyun and WS Hwang 2016. Zinc supplementation during in vitro maturation increases the production efficiency of cloned pigs. Journal of Reproduction and Development 62 (6): 635-638

• SS Kwak, SH Jeong, D Biswas, Y Jeon and SH Hyun. 2011. Effects of porcine granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor on porcine in vitro-fertilized embryos. Theriogenology. 77 (6): 1186-1197.

• SH Jeong, Y Jeon, D Biswas, KC Choi, EB Jeung and SH Hyun. 2012. Effect of EGF and AREG treatment during porcine in vitro maturation on in vitro developmental potential of preimplantation embryos. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 11 (8): 1100-1105.

• SS Kwak, SA Cheong, Y Jeon, E Lee, KC Choi, EB Jeung and SH Hyun. 2012. The effects of resveratrol on porcine oocyte in vitro maturation and subsequent embryonic development after parthenogenetic activation and in vitro fertilization. Theriogenology. 78 (1): 86-101.

• SS Kwak, SA Cheong, Y Jeon and SH Hyun. 2012. Porcine granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor improves the in vitro development of cloned porcine embryos. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 74 (9): 1095-1102.

• SS Kwak, SA Cheong, J Yoon, Y Jeon and SH Hyun. 2012. e-x-p-r-e-s-s-i-o-n patterns of sirtuin genes in porcine preimplantation embryos and effects of sirtuin inhibitors on in vitro embryonic development after parthenogenetic activation and in vitro fertilization. Theriogenology. 78 (7): 1597-1610.

• SS Kwak, JD Yoon, SA Cheong, Y Jeon, E Lee and SH Hyun. 2014. The new system of shorter porcine oocyte in vitro maturation (18 hours) using ≥8 mm follicles derived from cumulus-oocyte complexes. Theriogenology. 81 (2): 291-301.

• J Lee, Y Lee, B Park, F Elahi, Y Jeon, SH Hyun and E Lee. 2014. Developmental competence of IVM pig oocytes after SCNT in relation to the shrinkage pattern induced by hyperosmotic treatment. Theriogenology. 81 (7): 974-981.

• JD Yoon, Y Jeon, L Cai, SU Hwang, E Kim, E Lee, DY Kim and SH Hyun. 2015. Effects of coculture with cumulus-derived somatic cells on in vitro maturation of porcine oocytes. Theriogenology 83 (2) 294–305

• SA Cheong, E Kim, SS Kwak, Y Jeon and SH Hyun. 2015. Improvement in the blastocyst quality and efficiency of putative embryonic stem cell line derivation from porcine embryos produced in vitro using a novel culturing system. Molecular medicine reports 12 (2): 2140-2148

• E Kim, Y Jeon, DY Kim, E Lee and SH Hyun. 2015. Antioxidative effect of carboxyethylgermanium sesquioxide (Ge-132) on IVM of porcine oocytes and subsequent embryonic development after parthenogenetic activation and IVF. Theriogenology. 84 (2): 226-236.

• L Cai, Y Jeon, JD Yoon, SU Hwang, E Kim, K Park, KJ Kim, MH Jin, E Lee, H Kim, EB Jeung and SH Hyun. 2015. The effects of human recombinant granulocyte-colony stimulating factor treatment during in vitro maturation of porcine oocyte on subsequent embryonic development. Theriogenology 84 (7) 1075–1087

• SU Hwang, Y Jeon, JD Yoon, L Cai, E Kim, H Yoo, KJ Kim, KM Park, M Jin, H Kim and SH Hyun. 2015. Effect of ganglioside GT1b on the in vitro maturation of porcine oocytes and embryonic development. Journal of Reproduction and Development 61 (6): 549-558

• E Kim, SU Hwang, H Yoo, JD Yoon, Y Jeon, H Kim, EB Jeung, CK Lee and SH Hyun 2016. Putative embryonic stem cells derived from porcine cloned blastocysts using induced pluripotent stem cells as donors. Theriogenology 85 (4): 601-616

• E Kim, Z Zheng, Y Jeon, YX Jin, SU Hwang, L Cai, CK Lee, NH Kim, SH Hyun 2016. An Improved System for Generation of Diploid Cloned Porcine Embryos Using Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Synchronized to Metaphase. PLOS ONE. 2016. 11 (7): e0160289.

* Equal contribution
