• 학사 : 1997. 03.03 - 2003. 02.22 전북대학교 수의과대학 수의학과
• 석사 : 2005. 03.02 - 2007. 02.22 전북대학교 수의과대학 수의학과
• 박사 : 2007. 03.02 - 2009. 08.21 전북대학교 수의과대학 수의학과
• 2003. 01. 수의사면허증 (농림부)
• 2003. 03. - 2005. 07. 엔젤동물병원 진료수의사
• 2007. 07. - 2009. 07. 전북동물의료센터 외과전임수의사
• 2009. 10. – 2011. 02. 스타동물의료센터 외과과장
• 2011. 11. – 2013. 04. 캘리포니아주립대학교 데이비스캠퍼스 수의과대학 박사후 연구원
• 2013. 11. – 2016. 10. 전북대학교 수의학과 연구조교수
• 2018. 9. – 현재 전북대학교 수의과대학 수의외과학 조교수
• SJ Choi, C Park, SY Heo, JI Lee, IS Jeong,, NS Kim,, IH Choi: Extraction of Crude BMP from Bovine Cortical Bone for Bone grafts.Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2005, 22(4):377-381.
• lam M, Heo S, Lee H, Kim J, Park Y, Lee K, Choi I, Kim N: Preaxial longitudinal intercalary radial hemimelia in a dog: a case report. Vet Med 2006, 51(3):118-123.
• Heo S-y, Lee H-b, Ko J-j, Lee K-c, Kim N-s: Gastrointestinal linear foreign body with serosal migration in a dog. Korean journal of veterinary research 2007, 47(3):337-339.
• Kim JH, Lee JI, Lee HB, Heo SY, So KM, Ko JJ, Chon SK, Lee CH, Kim NS: Use of the full-thickness free skin mesh graft for reconstruction of wound in a dog. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2007, 24(2):280-283.
• So KM, Kim JH, Lee HB, Heo SY, Ko JJ, Lee CH, Chon SK, Kim NS: Transposition of flexor carpi radialis and superficial digital flexor muscles for reconstruction of carpal injury in a dog. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2007, 24(2):276-279.
• Heo SY, Lee HB, Lee K, Kim NS: Reconstruction of temporomandibular joint ankylosis with temporalis myofascial flap in a cat: A case report. Veterinarni Medicina 2008, 53(5):277-281.
• Heo S, Lee H, Lee K, Kim MS, Na CS, Kim N: Biomechanical assessment of freeze-dried allograft cortical bone plate graft in canine bone defect model. Vet Med 2009, 54(4):183-190.
• Kim N, Heo S, Choi SJ, Lee C, Cho J: Effectiveness of an Allograft Cortical Bone Plate in Canine Fracture Model. Tissue Eng Regen Med 2009, 6(4-11):751-755.
• Lee H, Chung Y, Heo S, Kim N: Augmentation of bone healing of nonunion fracture using stem cell based tissue engineering in a dog: a case report. Vet Med 2009, 54(4):198-203.
• Se-Hoon K, Su-Young H, Young-Kwon C, Hae-Beom L, Ki-Chang L, Min-Su K, Nam-Soo K: Recognition of Complication of Superficial Brachial Axial Pattern Flap in a Dog. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2009, 26(6):637-640.
• Heo S, Na CS, Kim N: Evaluation of equine cortical bone transplantation in a canine fracture model. Vet Med 2011, 56(3):110-118.
• Islam MR, Roh YS, Cho A, Park H, Heo SY, Lee K, Lee HK, Lim CW, Kim B: Multiple congenital anomalies in a Korean native calf (Bos taurus coreanae). Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2011, 51(1):55-59.
• Kim SH, Heo SY, Lee KC, Lee HB, Kim N-S, Kim M-S: Potential seizurogenic effect of tramadol in a dog with necrotizing meningoencephalitis. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2011, 28(3):323-327.
• Heo SY, Lee HB, Kim MS, Kim NS: Use of porcine cancellous bone graft of radial nonunion fracture in a dog. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 2012, 32(3):468-470.
• Heo S-Y, Lee K-C, Lee H-B: Use of minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis for tibial diaphyseal fracture in three dogs. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2012, 29(4):339-343.
• Kim K, Heo S-Y, Lee H-B: Application of hinged transarticular external skeletal fixator (HTAESF) for proximal tibial physeal fracture in a dog. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2012, 29(6):502-505.
• Su-Young H, Eun-Ju K, Min-Su K, Ki-Chang L, Nam-Soo K, Hae-Beom L: Use of Cross Pins and Temporal External Skeletal Fixator for Stabilization of a Tibial Physeal Fracture in a Korean Native Calf. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2012, 29(2):198-201.
• Su-Young H, Hae-Beom L, Nam-Soo K: Prepubic Urethrostomy for Surgical Correction of the Urethral Stricture and Rectourethral Fistula after Perineal Urethrostomy in a Cat. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2012, 29(4):331-333.
• Su-Young H, Ki-Chang L, Nam-Soo K: The Use of a Porcine Cancellous Bone Graft for Arthrodesis of Bilateral Antebrachiocarpal Luxation in a Dog. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2012, 29(3):259-262.
• Alam M, Gordon W, Heo S, Lee K, Kim N, Kim MS, Lee H: Augmentation of ruptured tendon using fresh frozen Achilles tendon allograft in two dogs: a case report. Vet Med 2013, 58(1):50-55.
• Heo S, Lee H, Kim NS: Use of a gracilis myocutaneous flap for reconstruction of a perineal defect in a dog: Case report. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 2013, 37(3):366-368.
• Heo S, So K, Kim S, Kim M, Lee H, Kim N: Effect of xenogenic cortical bone on fracture healing in a canine fracture model. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 2013, 61(2):149-159.
• Heo SY, Lee HB: Treatment of hip dysplasia in a dog after a failed triple pelvic osteotomy with a zurich cementless total hip replacement. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 2013, 33(3):391-394.
• Su Young H, Dong Bin L, Hae Beom L: Repair of Bilateral Perineal Hernia with Semitendinosus Muscle Transposition Along with Colopexy and Cystopexy in a Bitch. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2013, 30(5):371-375.
• Su-Young H, Nam-Soo K: Reconstruction of Endodontically Treated Teeth using Post and Composite Resin in Three Cats. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2013, 30(5):380-383.
• Choong-Sup K, Su-Young H, Min-Su K, Nam-Soo K, Hae-Beom L: Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy for Treatment of Naturally Occurring Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture in Small Breed Dogs - Case Series. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2014, 31(6):483-489.
• Heo S, Kim N: The treatment of lower extremity defects with severe proliferative tissue using an adjustable horizontal mattress suture in a Tosa dog. Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2014, 54(2):121-122.
• Heo SY, Kim N: Comparison of the bone response to xenogenic bone screws and metallic screws in canine femur. Veterinarni Medicina 2014, 59(12):641-648.
• Heo SY, Lee HB: Minimally invasive arthroscopic-assisted reduction with TightRope ® in a dog with coxofemoral luxation. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 2014, 34(4):551-553.
• Heo SY, Seol JW, Kim NS: Characterisation and assessment of electrospun Poly/hydroxyapatite nanofibres together with a cell adhesive for bone repair applications. Veterinarni Medicina 2014, 59(10):498-501.
• Jooho K, Su-Young H, Minsu K, Kichang L, Namsoo K, Haebeom L: Treatment of Recurrent Coxofemoral Joint Luxation by Total Hip Replacement in a Dog. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2014, 31(2):125-128.
• Su-Young H, Hae-Beom L: Tibial Tuberosity Advancement for Partial Rupture of Cranial Cruciate Ligament in Two Dogs. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2014, 31(2):141-144.
• Su-Young H, Hae-Beom L: Total Hip Replacement in a Jindo Dog with Dorsal Acetabular Rim Deficiency: a Case Report. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2014, 31(2):121-124.
• Heo S, Seol J, Lee H: Total hip replacement in two dogs with unsuccessful femoral head ostectomy. Journal of Veterinary Science 2015, 16(1):131-134.
• Heo S, Seol J, Lee H: Total hip replacement in two dogs with unsuccessful femoral head ostectomy. Journal of Veterinary Science 2015, 16(1):131-134.
• Heo S-Y, Jeong S, Lee H: Management of an open comminuted fracture of the metacarpus using circular external skeletal fixation in a Korean water deer (Hydropotes inermis argyopus). Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2015, 32(4):359-362.
• Jooho K, Suyoung H, Jiyoung N, Namsoo K, Kichang L, Seongmok J, Haebeom L: Determination of Pelvic Limb Alignment in Small-breed Dogs. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2015, 32(6):481-485.
• Junho H, Suyoung H, Bumseok K, Sanghoon L, Seongmok J, Haebeom L: Arthroscopy for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Failed Trochleoplasty in a Dog. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2015, 32(3):251-254.
• Kim C-S, Heo S-Y, Seol J-W, Kim M-S, Lee S-H, Kim N-S, Lee H-B: Measurement of the tibial plateau angle in normal small breed dogs. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2015, 32(3):231-234.
• Su-Young H, Jae-Won S, Ji-Young P, Seong-Mok J, Hae-Beom L: Minimally Invasive Arthroscopic-Assisted Reduction with TightRope® for Coxofemoral Luxation in a Korean Water Deer(Hydropotes inermis argyopus). Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2015, 32(6):540-543.
• Cha JG, Lee HB, Cheong HY, Heo SY, Ragetly GR: Evaluation of a veress needle for the fluid egress system of stifle arthroscopy in toy dog breeds. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 2016, 29(2):149-155.
• Kim HJ, Heo SY, Lee HB: Bone Transport Osteogenesis and Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis for a Segmental Radius Defect in a Dog. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 2016, 36(2):242-244.
• Kim J, Heo S, Na J, Kim N, Kim M, Jeong S, Lee H: Determination of femoral and tibial joint reference angles in small-breed dogs. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2016, 33(6):340-345.
• Heo SY, Kim HY, Kim NS: Evaluation of poly(lactide-co-glycolide)/hydroxyapatite nanofibres for reconstruction of critical-sized segmental bone defects in a canine model. Veterinarni Medicina 2017, 62(6):325-332.
• Heo SY, Park YS, Lee HB: Concurrent validity of a universal goniometer and a double meter inclinometer for passive range of motion in beagle dogs. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2017, 34(4):241-244.
• Kim J, Lee D, Heo S, Kim N: Biodegradable hydroxyapatite/chitosan composites on the bone defect of canine model. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2017, 34(6):410-413.
• Kim J-H, Heo S-Y, Lee H-B: Arthroscopic detection of medial meniscal injury with the use of a joint distractor in small-breed dogs. Journal of veterinary science 2017, 18(4):515.
• Roh YS, Heo SY, Yoon JW, Park J, Jeong SM, Lee HB: Micro total hip replacement in two dogs with Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2017, 34(6):454-458.
• Heo SY, Kim SJ, Kim NS: Analgesic efficacy of meloxicam with or without a buprenorphine patch in cats after ovariohysterectomy. Veterinarni Medicina 2018, 63(6):279-286.
• Su-Young H, Dong-Bin L, Nam-Soo K: Assessment of Xenogenic Bone Plate and Screw using Finite Element Analysis. Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2018, 35(3):83-87.