• 학사 : 전북대학교 수의과대학 수의학과 (수의사 면허)
• 석사 : 전북대학교 수의과대학 수의학과
• 박사 : 전북대학교 수의과대학 수의학과
• 2014.10 - present professor
• 2020.1 - present 한국임상수의학회 편집위원 및 이사
• 2018.9 - present 수의사국가시험위원회 위원
• 2017.10 - present 전라북도 환경분쟁 조정 위원회 위원
• 2017.1 - 2018.12 한국수정란 이식학회 편집위원
• 2013.10 - 2017.10 환경부 환경분쟁조정윈원회 위원
• 2012.6 - 2014.6 수의사국가시험위원회 위원
• 2014.3 - 2016.2 Director, Pre-veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Jeonbuk National University
• 2009.10 - 2014.9 associate professor
• 2009.10 - present Associate professor, Department of Theriogenology &Reproductive Biotechnology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Jeonbuk National University
• 2008.12 - 2010.12 Director, Chonbuk Animal Medical Hospital, Jeonbuk National University
• 2004.10 - 2009.9 Assistant professor, Department of Theriogenology &Reproductive Biotechnology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Jeonbuk National University
• 2003.8 - 2004.9 Full time instructor, Department of Theriogenology &Reproductive Biotechnology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Jeonbuk National University
• 2002.12 - 2003.7 Assistant professor/research, Department of Biological Science, University of New Orleans, USA
• 1999.5-2002.11 Postdoctoral fellow in University of New Orleans &Audubon center for Research of Endangered Species (ACRES)
• Cryopreservation of dog spermatozoa using essential and non-essential amino acids solutions in an egg yolk-free polyvinyl alcohol extender. A.H. Talha Nabeel, Y.Jeon and I.J. Yu CryoLetters 42(1) 44-52.
• Trehalose supplementation during porcine oocytes in vitro maturation improves the developmental capacity of parthenotes. L. Cai, Y-W Jeong, S-H Hyun, I.J. Yu, W-S Hawng, Y. Jeon. Theriogenology 2020:141:91-97.
• Effects of Alpha-G Rutin supplemented in sperm freezing extender on dog sperm cryopreservation. S.H. Park, A.H. Talha Nabeel, Y.Jeon and I.J. Yu J Vet Clin 2019:36(5) 1-7.
• Use of polyvinyl alcohol as a chemically defined compound in egg yolk-free extender for dog sperm cryopreservation. A.H. Talha Nabeel, Y.Jeon and I.J. Yu Reproduction in domestic animals 2019:54:1449-1458.
• Effect of green tea (Camellia sinensis) extract supplemented at different dilution steps on boar sperm cryopreservation and in vitro ferilization. Md. A. Rahman, S.H. Park and I.J. Yu. J Vet Clin 2018:35(2) 481-487.
• Dog sperm cryopreservation in glucose-fructose or sucrose supplemented glycerol-free tris: effect of post-thaw incubation time on gene expresssion related to apoptosis and motility. Md. A. Rahman, S.H. Park and I.J. Yu. CryoLetters 2018:39:45-52.
• Effect of monosaccharides in glycerol-free tris extender on reactive oxygen species and apoptosis in dog sperm cryopreservation. Md. A. Rahman, S.H. Park and I.J. Yu. CryoLetters 2017:38:51-57.
• Dog sperm cryopreservation using one step dilution with glycerol-free tris extender. Md. A. Rahman, S.H. Park and I.J. Yu. CryoLetters 2016:37:137-141.
• Effects of green tea extract on sperm quality, reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxidation in long-term liquid preservation of boar spermatozoa. S.H. Park and I.J. Yu. J Vet Clin 2016:33:356-361.
• Effect of bovine follicular fluid on reactive oxygen species and glutathione in oocytes, apoptosis and apoptosis-related gene expression of in vitro-produced blastocysts. S.H. Park, H.S. Cho and I.J. Yu. Reproduction in domestic animals 2014 49:370-377.
• Canine sperm cryopreservation using glucose in glycerol-free TRIS. I.J. Yu. CryoLetters 2014 35:101-107.
• Effect of dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate on reactive oxygen species and glutathione of porcine oocytes, apoptosis of cumulus cells, and embryonic development. S.H. Park and I.J. Yu. Zygote 2013 21:305-313.
• Hematological and serum chemical characteristics of open-cervix and closed-cervix pyometra in bitches. I.J. Yu. Journal of animal and veterinary advances 2012 11: 3658-3661.
• The effects of MEM vitamins and β-mercaptoethanol on porcine embryonic development, reactive oxygen species, and apoptosis. S.H. Park and I.J. YuJournal of animal and veterinary advances 2012 11: 2576-2583.
• Cryopreservation of canine ovarian and testicular fibroblasts. I.J. Yu, N. Songsasen, S.P. Leibo and I.S.Kim. Cryoletters 2009 30:190-201.
• Effects of in vitro fertilization conditions on preimplantation development and quality of pig embryos. D.B. Koo, Y.J. Kim, I. Yu, H.N. Kim, K.K. Lee and Y.M. Han. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 2005 90:101-110.
• Effect of meiosis-inhibiting agents and chorionic gonadotrophin on nuclear maturation of canine oocytes. N. Songsasen, I.Yu, M. Gomez and S.P. Leibo. Molecular Reproduction and Development 2003 65: 435-445
• Osmotic sensitivity of Canine spermatozoa. N. Songsasen, I. Yu, S, Murton, D.L. Paccamonti, B.E. Eilts, R.A. Godke and S.P. Leibo. Cryobiology 2002 44:79-90.
• Nuclear maturation of canine oocytes cultured in protein-free media.N. Songsasen, I. Yu and S.P. Leibo. Molecular Reproduction and Development 2002 62: 407-415.
• Difference among male dogs in response of their spermatozoa cryopreserved at various cooling and warming rates. I. Yu, N. Songsasen, R.A. Godke, and S.P. Leibo.Cryobiology 2002 44: 62-78.
• Effect of chilling on organization and tublin and chromosomal in rhesus monkey oocytes. N. Songsasen, IJ. Yu, M. Ratterree, C. VandeVoort, and S.P. Leibo.Fertility and Sterility 2002 77: 818-825.
• Recovery of motile, membrane-intact spermatozoa from canine epididymides stored for 8days at 4ºC. I. Yu, and S.P. Leibo. Theriogenology 2002 57:1179-1190.
• 수의산과학-홍영사 1편 (2011)
• 수의산과학-홍영사 2편 (2015)